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Cristina Ruel

Supply Director of Iskaypet

"Automating tasks with a single platform has allowed the planners to have more time to spend on analysis and value-added tasks."

The IskayPet Group is the leading pet care retailer on the Iberian Peninsula. The business conglomerate brings together the Kiwoko and Tiendanimal brands – specialising in pet care products and services – and Clinicanimal and Clínicas Kivet – veterinary clinics associated with Tiendanimal and Kiwoko, respectively – as well as its dog and cat grooming salons, Mundo Belleza and Salón de Belleza. The Group was born as a result of the integration of Kiwoko and Tiendanimal in 2020 and, to integrate the operations of both companies efficiently, it has relied on Slimstock and its Slim4 software.

The formation of the IskayPet Group from two companies of the size of Kiwoko and Tiendanimal was a challenge from an operational point of view. In terms of procurement, the challenge arose when attempting to integrate two different operations with different processes, tools, and distribution strategies.

“However, this was also an opportunity to build on the strengths of each company and take advantage of synergies to create a new, stronger model to help the group achieve its growth objectives,” says Cristina Ruel, Supply Director of IskayPet Group.

The situation at the time of integration was that all Kiwoko shops had implemented demand forecasting and automatic replenishment via Slim4. In Tiendanimal shops, on the other hand, the ordering model was manual and was carried out from each point of sale.

“The process of getting Tiendanimal’s 65 shops onto the platform was very easy and we were able to make the necessary adjustments to make the tool fit our business model,” says Ruel. “In addition, automating tasks with a single platform has allowed the planners to have more time to spend on analysis and value-added tasks, rather than operational work,” he adds.

-47% stock-outs

In addition to integrating the end-to-end management of the supply chain on a single platform, the use of Slim4 has also served to improve logistics KPIs in the IskayPet Group’s shops. The best example is the impact on product availability: in the first quarter of 2024, stock-outs were reduced by 47%.

After the implementation of forecasting and replenishment across the entire shop network, the Group wants to deepen the collaboration with Slimstock. Thus, the next steps for the IskayPet Group is to extend the tool to its two distribution centres and to implement the promotion management module and the Power BI module of Slim4.

Omni-channel model for a large market

In Spain, more than 50% of households have a pet. This figure gives an idea of the size of the pet care market. To meet this demand, the IskayPet Group has a large network of physical points of sale (more than 300 establishments in Spain and Portugal), as well as a powerful and growing e-commerce channel.

The IskayPet Group currently has a distribution centre of 30,000 m2 and 5,500 assortment items to supply shops as well as another distribution centre of 18,000 m2 to deliver to end customers and 12,000 assortment items.