Essentials of Slim4

Enhance your Slim4 knowledge!

Do you have a new employee who will use Slim4? Are you new to Slim4? Sign up for the Basic Slim4
User Training and learn all about the capabilities of the Software.

Led by one of our supply chain experts, the training program will provide you with the skills and
knowledge required to run and utilize all Slim4 functionalities. The training is broken down into seven
half-day sessions. The training is a mix of virtual and self-study.

What can you expect?

If you’re new to your job, the Slim4 platform can be overwhelming. This course focuses on basic
navigational skills and a basic understanding of our demand & supply planning capabilities. You will
be trained in forecasting, inventory management, purchasing, prioritizing, and building workflows.


The Basic User Training is intended for new Slim4 users. Knowledge of inventory management is
desired but optional. An understanding of the business itself will contribute to the knowledge-building

Non-Slim4 users interested in how Slim4 is used to support inventory management within the
organization are welcome.

The training will end with a test whereby successful participants will receive a certificate.



The playground

  • Key processes & workflows
  • Stakeholders and reporting
  • Recurring tasks and activities

Plan your day

  • Preparation
  • Priorities and focus
  • Work routine
Assortment Planning

  • Segmentation
  • KPI’s
  • PLC management

Demand planning

  • Forecasting
  • Enrich the demand plan
  • Seasonality
Inventory & supply

  • Inventory strategy
  • Purchasing & replenishment
  • Supplier management
Start date: Wednesday 14 June
End date: Wednesday 23 August
Time: 13.30 – 17.00
Location: Online
Time Zone: ET

When & how?

The training is a mix of virtual and self-study. It will be held via Slimstock’s Learning Management
Platform. Each session will be supported by our expert consultant, and the training will take place over
seven half-days including exam.

Meet your trainer

Sarah Mouchaorab

Register now!

Complete the form below to secure your place on the course!